Mr. Senrick--Teacher/World Traveler

Mr. Senrick--Teacher/World Traveler
Educators to Saudi Arabia 2007

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Saudis and the US...

I've been asked a lot about what Saudis think of Americans, as well as the impact of American culture on the Kingdom. Here goes...

So far, everyone I've spoken with has a very open and kind view of Americans. Since we are part of a VIP (and I mean very VIP) tour, we are not meeting many lower class Saudis. However, we are meeting very educated people whom I trust. They have favorable views of Americans. The watch American TV and movies. Some even have studied in the US or have family/friends there. That being said, they really dislike the US government. When talking about Sept. 11th, all have expressed being surprised at the number of Saudis involved. They recognize that the terrorists don't represent the Islamic mainstream. Tonight in fact, one man was animate in saying that such murder is contradictory to the Koran. I sincerely belive this. All are opposed to the war in Iraq, and see that it's just another way that American media is accentuating negative stereotypes about the region. That's another major complaint: the media. Our news (and the Saudi news as some Saudis say) is notorious for pointing out negative images to sensationalize and generalize people and events. Soon we will be visiting a newspaper here. I think that visit will be very telling! One of the most revealing discussions I had occured with a Saudi guy, Mohhamed Ali, I met on the airplane from Dammam to Jeddah. He's one who was down on G.W. Bush and the war on Iraq, as well as our media. I have also met various college educated, working women. (Did you know more women in Saudi have college degrees than men? Everyone I've spoken with has been very intelligent and fascinating. Here are pictures of some of the people I've met and spoken with:

As far as impact of US culture on the Kingdom...many Saudis welcome it. (Although my friend Muhammed from dinner tonight doesn't go to McDonalds because it makes him feel sick! Sound familiar???) Before going further, I must say, Saudi culture is extremely traditional and proud of it. Unlike the US, where our "pop culture" has been formed in the last hundred years or so, Saudi culture is rooted in Islam and has been around for 15oo years! I don't think many Americans can wrap their brain around how important such deep rooted traditions are. And regardless of the influx of McDonalds, Chilis, Burger King, Toys R' US, the Hilton, and so on, Saudis maintain thier culture. Islam is more than women in black abayas. It's about commitment to family, giving back to the poor and others in need, protecting the family, praying, participating in the Haajj in Mecca. Getting back to my previous point, the US media has failed to truely recognize the positive aspects of Islam and the countries so strongly shaped by it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Senrick, What's their food like there?
Kyle Southward